Not only do they also serve their purpose as dice, they are also a token of a beloved character to keep in one's posession.
These dice are my first ever individually purchased set as I have some that were gifted to me and others that came from starter box-sets.
Pros: They work well and are propperly balanced. The paintjob is good, the numbers are perfectly readable and their colors contrast well with the dice itself, they are beautiful.
Cons: The glitter is not as shiny or sparkly as I'd expected. There are sides where you can tell the glitter sank to as they are overloaded with it as well as sides where there's almost no glitter at all. Can see some people not understanding the music notes take the place of the nat 20, but if you don't know that, you've not been playing D&D right...
Overall: I can put every con aside and say these are astonishingly beautiful!