Sia che stiate disegnando il marchio di Capitan Tusktooth come il nostro amato GiullareLavorre o le flashcard dei capolavori simili a quelle prodotte da Doty, il nostro CriticoRuolo Sketchbook è pronto a contenere tutti i vostri gloriosi lavori.
Dimensioni: 13.97 cm x 20.32 cm (carta A5)
Circa 100 pagine o 200 facciate su cui disegnare.
Pelle marrone di alta qualità
Finiture in metallo ramato, compreso il logo Critical Role sul davanti
Cuciture in vera pelle sul dorso
175 GSM carta bianca sfoderata
Calamita personalizzata in metallo ramato di Capitan Tusktooth appesa alla tracolla in pelle che avvolge lo sketchbook
Tasca sulla copertina interna per conservare foto di riferimento, fiori pressati, adesivi o tutto ciò che il cuore artistico desidera
The book is well done with the quality of paper being amazing, leather is great quality, the metal elements look cool. Size is a big plus as well. Overall very enjoyable.
The only small inconvineient detail is that the backside of the leather is connected to the paper just by glue without the metal stamps as the front does so i suspect it will wear out faster than the front side.
Gianfranco Pedi
Johannes Huber
Love the cover!
I love the design, especially the cover. The leather feels really smooth
Love it!
Love it, and can't wait to fill it up with my own adventures!
Critical Role Sketchbook.
I got the sketchbook for my friend, so I haven't opened it yet but the sheer size of it surprised me, since I thought it would be much thinner and it has size and thus a lot to write and draw on. Overall the appearance of it as well makes it perfect for both DM's and Players.